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How Much Harmful Smoking & Tobacco For Us

Health Effects of Tobacco
How important is smoking to the health of Canadians?
Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable illness, disability and premature death in Canada.
Saskatchewan has one of the highest cigarette smoking prevalence rates in Canada. Consistent with national trends, smoking prevalence is highest among 20-24 year olds. Prevalence of smoking among 15-19 year olds are higher in Saskatchewan than the national average. 
How lethal is smoking to smokers?
Unless smokers quit, up to half of all smokers will die from their smoking, most of them before their 70th birthday and only after years of suffering a reduced quality of life.
Why does smoking kill? 

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Many are known to be harmful substances, including tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.
More than 50 of these chemicals cause cancer. 

What keeps smokers smoking (and chewers chewing)?
Many smokers want to quit, but find it very difficult. Most former smokers made at least one unsuccessful quit attempt before finally succeeding and many had to try repeatedly
Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that makes smoking a powerful addiction. Experts rank nicotine ahead of alcohol, cocaine and heroin with regard to the severity of dependence resulting from its use. 

Some users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff) also find it very hard to quit.
Who is at risk from tobacco use?
While the health risks are highest among heavy smokers and long-term smokers, no user of tobacco escapes risk, including users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff). 

Young people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco are at immediate risk of a range of health problems, including nicotine addiction, increased cough, phlegm, and wheezing, reduced lung function and a worsening of problems from asthma.
Those who start to smoke at an early age are more likely to develop severe levels of nicotine addiction than those who start later, and they are at higher risk of health consequences in adult life. 

As well, non-smokers, both children and adults, can be harmed by second hand tobacco smoke generated by other people's smoking.
There is strong evidence that smoking is related to many diseases and conditions. Many organs and body systems are adversely affected by tobacco smoke. Fortunately, most of this starts to reverse after a smoker quits smoking.  

All smokers are at extra risk for:
Coronary heart disease (e.g., heart attacks) 
Peripheral vascular disease (circulatory problems)
Aortic aneurysm
High cholesterol (LDL)
Lung cancer
Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box
Cancer of the pancreas
Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladder
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
Chronic bronchitis
Influenza (the "flu")
The common cold
Peptic ulcers
Chronic bowel disease (Crohn's disease)
Tooth decay (cavities)
Gum disease
Sleep problems (falling asleep inappropriately and/or frequent waking)
Thyroid disease (Grave's Disease) 

Smoking is known to have an effect on babies before they are born. 

Smoking has a direct effect on the growth of the fetus. The more the mother smokes during pregnancy, the lower the weight of the newborn infant. Smoking mothers give birth to infants who can weigh about 150 grams less than a term than non-smokers. Such babies, called "low birth weight" babies, are more likely to suffer adverse outcomes, including stillbirth, the need for special treatment in neonatal intensive care units and death in infancy. 

During pregnancy, smokers have a greater risk of miscarriages. During the birth they are more likely to have complications. The chances of a baby's dying at birth or shortly thereafter are increased if the mother has smoked during pregnancy.
Nursing mothers can pass along harmful chemicals from cigarettes to their babies in breast milk. 

Effects on Teeth and Gums
Tobacco use is an important factor in oral health, apart from its role in causing oral cancer. Smoking has also been linked to periodontal disease in younger people. 

Other Effects
Several recent reports provide strong evidence of an association between smoking and osteoporosis (decreased bone density), which, in turn, predisposes a person to bone fractures. Smoking is independently associated with decreased bone density of the lumbar spine and hip, in both younger and older persons. 

Smoking has been linked to sleep disturbance. Smoking is associated with difficulty in falling asleep and with symptoms suggestive of sleep fragmentation in both men and women.
Evidence of a link between cataracts and smoking continues to grow. An association may also exist between smoking and a type of thyroid disease (Graves' disease). 

Smoking may be a detriment to physical fitness, even among relatively fit, young individuals. Smoking reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and increases the heart rate and basal metabolic rate, thus counteracting the benefits of physical activity, including cardiovascular fitness. 
Smoking decreases blood flow in the small vessels of the skin, perhaps damaging skin components, and leading to skin wrinkling and an appearance of premature aging in both men and women. 

Side effects of chewing tobacco are stained teeth, bad breath, sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal and other dental problems. Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste. The habit can also affect a person's ability to taste and smell. After prolonged use there is a risk of developing oral cancer, which may become apparent through a sore that does not heal, a white patch, prolonged sore throat, difficulty chewing, or a feeling there is a lump in the throat. A person should stop chewing tobacco to reduce the side effects and health risks associated with it. Chewing or smokeless tobacco contains nicotine a very addictive substance.

The nicotine gets into the bloodstream through absorption in the mouth and is slower acting than getting nicotine from smoking a cigarette. The most serious health risk associated with the smokeless habit is cancer. 

The habit of snuff or chewing tobacco can be considered by many as a very unclean habit. The substance is held in the mouth and then spit out. Most chewers have a spit can that they carry around and spit into periodically. Some people may choose to engage in this habit because they believe it is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes. However, this is not necessarily true. The substance is still absorbed into the bloodstream and the side effects of chewing tobacco can be detrimental to health and can even lead to developing a serious illness such as cancer. 

For those who want to quit, there is hope found in the Word of God. "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).
Other serious health problems associated with the smokeless habit include an increased heart rate and blood pressure. People who are engaged in this habit should stop chewing tobacco before they have a heart attack or suffer from a stroke.

 Heart attack and stroke can happen because the arteries constrict; there is an increased risk of blood clots; both of these effects are caused by the nicotine. Oral or mouth cancer are not the only types of cancer associated with a smokeless habit; some of the cancer-causing chemicals can get into other vital organs such as the stomach, esophagus, bowels, and bladder. 

High doses of nicotine can cause respiratory and digestive distress. Quitting may be very difficult because of the nicotine addiction and may take some time, but there is help out there for anyone who is serious about quitting. There are some good websites on the Internet that provide some valuable information on quitting.

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Health Benefits of Chilis

Chili originated in the Americas, and has been part of the human diet since at least 7500 BC. Explorer Christopher Columbus brought it back to Spain in the 15th century and its cultivation spread rapidly through Europe, Asia, India and Africa. 
There are more than 200 varieties, coloured anything from yellow to green to red to black, and varying in heat from mildly warm to mouth-blisteringly hot. 

The hottest are usually the smallest: habanero orange, African bird's eye and Scotch bonnet. Green chillies are unripe, so usually aren't as hot as red ones. The active ingredient is capsaicin, most of which comes from the seeds and the veins. So if you prefer your chilli milder, try a green one and remove the seeds before chopping. Wash your hands well afterwards as the burn can linger. 

A 1/2-cup, 75-gram serving of chopped, raw green chili pepper contains 884 International Units of vitamin A. This amount supplies nearly 30 percent of the Food and Nutrition Board's recommended daily allowance of vitamin A for an adult man and 38 percent for a woman. Vitamin A helps with the synthesis of red blood cells and is an essential component of rhodopsin, the protein that allows retinal receptors in the eye to absorb light. It is also necessary for proper growth and development and to support immune system health. Without adequate vitamin A, you may be more likely to develop cancer and vision disorders. 

Vitamin C
Green chili peppers provide 181.9 milligrams of vitamin C in every 1/2-cup serving, or well over 100 percent of the required daily intake ofvitamin C for adults. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is required by the body to help synthesize collagen, promote the healing of skin wounds and aid in the development of strong bones. It also acts as an antioxidant by preventing free radical damage to DNA. A diet rich in vitamin C may lower your risk of hypertension, cancer, heart disease and osteoarthritis. 

The concentration of vitamin C in a green chili pepper decreases with exposure to heat, light and air. When you purchase fresh chilis, store them in a cool, dark location and use them within three to four days. 

Vitamin K
The body needs vitamin K in order to produce proteins crucial for blood coagulation and to support the development and maintenance of bones. Each 1/2-cup serving of green chilis contains 10.7 micrograms of vitamin K. For a man, this fulfills 8.9 percent of his RDA of vitamin K. For a woman, a green chili serving is almost 12 percent of her daily vitamin K requirement. Regularly eating foods high in vitamin K like green chili peppers may help decrease your risk of osteoporosis and of bleeding dangerously large amounts when you are cut or injured.

Health Benefits
Fight Inflammation
Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which gives peppers their characteristic pungence, producing mild to intense spice when eaten. Capsaicin is a potent inhibitor of substance P, a neuropeptide associated with inflammatory processes. The hotter the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. The hottest varieties include habanero and Scotch bonnet peppers. Jalapenos are next in their heat and capsaicin content, followed by the milder varieties, including Spanish pimentos, and Anaheim and Hungarian cherry peppers. 

Capsaicin is being studied as an effective treatment for sensory nerve fiber disorders, including pain associated with arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetic neuropathy. When animals injected with a substance that causes inflammatory arthritis were fed a diet that contained capsaicin, they had delayed onset of arthritis, and also significantly reduced paw inflammation. 
Natural Pain Relief
Topical capsaicin is now a recognized treatment option for osteoarthritis pain. Several review studies of pain management for diabeticneuropathy have listed the benefits of topical capsaicin to alleviate disabling pain associated with this condition. 

In a double-blind placebo controlled trial, nearly 200 patients with psoriasis were given topical preparations containing either capsaicin or placebo. Patients who were given capsaicin reported significant improvement based on a severity score, which traced symptoms associated with psoriasis. The side effect reported with topical capsaicin cream is a burning sensation in the area of application. 

Cardiovascular Benefits
Red chili peppers, such as cayenne, have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation, while increasing the body's ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of blood clots. Cultures, where hot pepper is used liberally have a much lower rate of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism.

Spicing your meals with chili peppers may also protect the fats in your blood from damage by free radicals - a first step in the development of atherosclerosis. In a randomized, crossover study involving 27 healthy subjects (14 women, 13 men), eating freshly chopped chili was found to increase the resistance of blood fats, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, to oxidation (free radical injury). 

Subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups. For 4 weeks, half the subjects ate a freshly chopped chili blend (30 grams/day, about 1 ounce), consisting of 55% cayenne, while the other half consumed a bland diet (no chili). After 4 weeks, the groups were crossed over for another 4 weeks. During the intervention periods, consumption of other spices such as cinnamon, ginger, garlic, and mustard was restricted. Blood samples were obtained at the beginning of the study and after each dietary period. 
After eating the chili-containing diet, the rate of oxidation (free radical damage to cholesterol and triglycerides) was significantly lower in both men and women than that seen after eating the bland diet. 

In addition, after eating the chili-spiced diet, women had a longer lag time before any damage to cholesterol was seen compared to the lag time seen after eating the bland diet. In men, the chili-diet also lowered resting heart rate and increased the amount of blood reaching the heart. 

Clear Congestion
Capsaicin not only reduces pain, but its peppery heat also stimulates secretions that help clear mucus from your stuffed up nose or congested lungs. 

Boost Immunity
Chili peppers' bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of red chili peppers provide about 6% of the daily value for vitamin C coupled with more than 10% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infectionvitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes, which line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens. 

Help Stop the Spread of Prostate Cancer
Red chili pepper's capsaicin, the compound responsible for their pungent heat, stops the spread of prostate cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms, indicates a study published in the March 15, 2006 issue of Cancer Research. Capsaicin triggers suicide in both primary types of prostate cancer cell lines, those whose growth is stimulated by male hormones and those not affected by them. In addition, capsaicin lessens the expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), inhibits the ability of the most potent form of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, to activate PSA, and directly inhibits PSA transcription, causing PSA levels to plummet. 

The dose effect for test animals was equivalent to 400 milligrams of capsaicin, three times a week, for a man weighing about 200 pounds. After four weeks of receiving capsaicin, prostate cancer tumor growth and size decreased significantly in the animals. One warning: Excessive intake of hot chilies has been linked to stomach cancer, so don't go overboard.
Prevent Stomach Ulcers 

Chili peppers have a bad--and mistaken--reputation for contributing to stomach ulcers. Not only do they not cause ulcers, they can help prevent them by killing bacteria you may have ingested, while stimulating the cells lining the stomach to secrete protective buffering juices. 
Lose Weight
All that heat you feel after eating hot chili peppers takes energy--and calories to produce. Even sweet red peppers have been found to contain substances that significantly increase thermogenesis (heat production) and oxygen consumption for more than 20 minutes after they are eaten. 

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Making chili pepper a frequently enjoyed spice in your Healthiest Way ofEating could help reduce your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of insulin) —a disorder associated with type 2 diabetes. 

In a study published in the July 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australian researchers show that the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar after a meal is reduced if the meal contains chili pepper. When chili-containing meals are a regular part of the diet, insulin requirements drop even lower. 

Plus, chili's beneficial effects on insulin needs to get even better as body mass index (BMI, a measure of obesity) increases. In overweight people, not only do chili-containing meals significantly lower the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar levels after a meal, but the chili-containing meals also result in a lower ratio of C-peptide/ insulin, an indication that the rate at which the liver is clearing insulin has increased. 

The amount of C-peptide in the blood also shows how much insulin is being produced by the pancreas. The pancreas produces proinsulin, which splits into insulin and C-peptide when secreted into the bloodstream. Each molecule of proinsulin breaks into one molecule of C-peptide and one molecule of insulin, so less C-peptide means less insulin has been secreted into the bloodstream.

In this study, which involved 36 subjects aged 22-70 years, the effects of three interventions were evaluated. Subjects were given a bland meal after a bland diet containing no spices, a chili-containing meal after a bland diet, and finally, a chili-containing meal after a chili-containing diet. A palatable chili flavoring, not pure capsaicin (the active component in chili), was used. 

Blood sugar rose similarly after all three interventions, but insulin rose the most after the bland meal after a bland diet and the least after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet.
The maximum increases in insulin after the bland diet followed by a chili-containing meal were 15% lower than after the bland meal following a bland diet, and 24% lower after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet compared to the chili-containing meal after the bland diet. 

C-peptide blood levels also increased the most after the bland meal after a bland diet and the least after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet, showing the least insulin was secreted after the chili-rich diet and meal. 

In addition, the C-peptide/insulin ratio was highest after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet, indicating an increase in the liver's ability to clear insulin. 

Besides capsaicin, chilies contain antioxidants, including vitamin C and carotenoids, which might also help improve insulin regulation. 

A little chili pepper can really perk up an omelet, add heat to a black bean/sweet potato soup, or transform an ordinary salad dressing. So, spice up your meals with chili peppers. Your body will need to make less insulin and will use it more effectively. No need to go overboard though. Population studies in India and Mexico suggest that loading up on hot chilies at every meal may be linked to increased risk of stomach cancer. 

Capsaicin : Chilies have vitamin C and Vitamin A containing beta-carotenoids which are powerful antioxidant. These antioxidants destroy free radical bodies. Usually, these radical bodies may travel in the body and cause huge amounts of damage to cells. These radical bodies could damage nerves and blood vessel in diabetes.

The antioxidants present in the chili wipe out the radical bodies that could build up cholesterol causing major heart diseases such as atherosclerosis. 

Chilies have antioxidants that can destroy cholesterol, which could cause major disease like atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. Other disease like cataract and arthritis like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also dilates airway of the lungs which reduces asthma and wheezing. 

Detoxicants: Chilies act as detoxifiers as they remove waste products from our body and increases supply nutrients to the tissues. It also acts as gastrointestinal detoxicants helping in digestion of food. 

Painkiller : Chilies stimulate the release of endorphins that are natural pain killers. It relieves pain caused due to shingles (Herpes Zoster), bursitis, diabetic neuropathy and muscle spasm in shoulders, and extremities. It also helps in relieving arthritic pains in the extremities. 

Antibiotic : Chilies bring fresh blood to the site of the infection. The fresh blood fights infection. The white blood cells and leukocytes present in the fresh blood fights viruses. 

Brain : Capsaicin stimulates brain to excrete endorphin and gives a sense of pleasure when ingested. This is the reason people get addicted to chili. 

Cancer : It has been noted that vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid found in chili reduces the risk of colon cancer. Chilies such as red pepper have carotenoid lycopene, which prevents cancer disease. 

Heart Attack : Chilies have vitamin B6 and folic acid. The vitamin B reduces high homocysteine level. High homocysteine levels have been shown to cause damage to blood vessels and are associated with a greatly increased risk of heart attack and stroke. It also converts homocysteine into other molecules which is beneficial to lowercholesterol level

Lung disease : Chilies gives relief from nasal congestion by increasing the metabolism. It also dilates airway of the lungs which reduces asthma and wheezing. It relieves chronic congestion in people who are heavy drinkers.

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Some Tips For Weight Loose

Every single day, you will see countless products promising magical weight loss without any effort on your part whatsoever. But such is the paranoia of being obese, millions fall for those shams. There’s only one way to lose weight – exercise and eat right. However, there are certain foods/herbs/ home remedies for weight loss you could try.
Loose Your Weight
Disclaimer: These home remedies for weight loss won’t help you magically lose weight, it will just help make your efforts more effective. 

Flaxseed (alsi)
Called alsi in Hindi, the seed comes out with an outer coating which makes you feel fuller than normal and hence curbs your tendency to eat. It’s also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart. Simply crush flaxseeds and add to foods like soups, cereals, oats, chappati and since they’re naturally bland, they won’t change the taste of your dish. Read about the health benefits of flax seeds. 

Green Tea
Green tea has gained immense popularity as a tool to facilitate weight loss and millions are switching from coffee to green tea because of its high antioxidant capacity. Research also suggests that it boosts metabolism, burns fat, which makes it a perfect drink for people who want to lose weight. Also, it’s not supposed to be drunk with milk or sugar, which reduces the calorie intake. Read about the healthbenefits of green tea

The herb that makes things ‘Christmasy’, helps activate insulin receptors and enzyme systems involved in carbohydrate metabolism. This helps regulate your blood sugar levels, increase metabolism and reduce bad cholesterol from the body. You can simply sprinkle some on your breakfast cereals, coffee or tea for that added flavor! Read about the health benefits of cinnamon or dalchini! 

Black Pepper
Hot things usually help you lose weight and black pepper is no different. The piperine in it acts as a digestive while it also helps prevent the formation of fat. Also, spicy food items tend to people more active which will help with weight loss. The best thing is that pepper can be added to almost anything you’re eating from salads to meats. Read about the health benefits of black pepper. 

Recently, studies have shown the immense health benefits of turmeric and scientists are even researching methods to see if it can be used to fight cancer so no wonder it helps in weight loss as well. Studies have shown that it helps metabolise fat and also reduces the risk of developing diabetes. The great thing about turmeric is that it’s already part of our eating habits and can be added to veggies, rice, curries, dals, etc. Read turmerics or haldi - health benefits of galore. 

Another herb which can help because of its digestive properties is ginger which is thermogenic. This basically means that it helps raise the body’s temperature by burning fat, which makes it perfect for people looking to lose weight. Researchers also found that it has a satiating effect which means you tend to eat less and this further helps the cause. Ginger can be eaten either by powdering and mixing with rice dishes or veggies or by mixing a tablespoon of it with water. Read about the health benefits of ginger. 

Bean soup
Soups have a high water content, which means they fill your stomach for very few calories,” says Rolls. Broth-based bean soups, in particular, contain a hefty dose of fiber and resistant starch—a good carb that slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream—to make that full feeling really stick. “Once in the stomach, fiber and water activate stretch receptors that signal that you aren’t hungry anymore,” Rolls says. All this for a measly 150 calories per cup. 

Feel even fuller: Resist the cracker pack on the side in favor of a bigger soup helping. Beans are starchy, satisfying and caloric enough on their own, Rolls says. Hate soup? Throw lentils, black-eyed peas or kidney or navy beans into a vinegar-based salad. 

Greek yogurt
Harvard researchers examined the eating habits of 120,000 people for 20 years and found that yogurt was the single best food for shedding pounds: Over time, people who downed more of the protein-packed stuff lost pounds without trying. 

Meanwhile, a NestlĂ© Nutrition Institute study, review found that consuming dairy proteins increases satiety, reduces food intake and keeps blood sugar steady. “Greek yogurt, which is strained to remove the liquid whey, contains double the protein and less sugar than regular yogurt,” Dubost says. 

Feel even fuller: Top yogurt with fibrous foods like raspberries (4 grams of fiber per half cup) or a cereal such as Kashi Go Lean Crisp Cinnamon Crumble (9 grams per three quarters of a cup). 

Apples are one of the few fruits that contain pectin, which naturally slows digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, according to a study in Gastroenterology. In fact, people who ate an apple as part of a meal felt more satiated and ate less than those who consumed a calorically equivalent amount of juice and applesauce. “Whole apples take a long time to eat for very few calories,” says Susan Roberts, PhD, professor of nutrition at Tufts University. Your body has more time to tell your brain that you’re no longer hungry. That means you can eat lots of this low-energy-density, high-satiety fruit and avoid feeling deprived while losing weight, adds Roberts. 

Feel even fuller: Add apple chunks to oatmeal or salad, or slices to a turkey-on-whole-wheat sandwich.
This movie-night fave is a low-energy-density food—for 90 calories, you could eat 3 cups of air-popped corn but just a quarter cup of potato chips. “Popcorn takes up more room in your stomach, and seeing a big bowl of it in front of you tricks you into thinking that you’re eating more calories and that you’ll feel full when you’re finished,” Rolls says. 

Feel even fuller: Sprinkle on some red pepper. In a recent Purdue University study, people who added a half teaspoon of the spice to a meal felt less hungry. 

A great natural cure for a sweet tooth, fresh figs have a dense consistency and sweet flesh that’s high in fiber (each 37-calorie fig packs about a gram), which slows the release of sugar into the blood, preventing the erratic high caused by cookies or cake. 

Feel even fuller: Halve and add protein, like a teaspoon of goat cheese and a walnut.
Oatmeal’s filling force comes from its high fiber content and its uncanny ability to soak up liquid like a sponge. When cooked with water or skim milk, the oats thicken and take more time to pass through your digestive system, meaning you’ll go longer between hunger pangs. 

Feel even fuller: Sprinkle almonds on top of your bowl. “The nuts pack protein and fiber and contain unsaturated fats that can help stabilize insulin levels,” regulating blood sugar, Dr. Katz says. 

Tired of spending hours at the gym yet failing to slim down? Have vigorous exercises and gym equipments let you down?
Well, fret no more. We bring to you natural remedies which will help youloose weight

Here’s what you should do to loose weight naturally.
-Consume 10 grams of honey and a glass of warm water each morning on an empty stomach. 

-Drink a glass of lukewarm water containing half a lime and one teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be taken every few hours.
-Eat 10 to 12 fully grown curry leaves every morning. You should do this for three months.
-Eat one or two tomatoes, on an empty stomach, every morning. This should be in place of breakfast. 

-Add ginger and lemon to a glass of boiling water. Drain the water and have them.
-Add three teaspoons of lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey to a
Cup of water. Drinking this once a day for three months will help with weight loss.
-Carrot juice with water is another Indian remedy used to lose weight.

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Keep Away Yourself From The Ulcer

An ulcer is an erosion (open sore) on the surface of an organ or tissue. Ulcers most commonly erupt in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, in which case they are known as peptic ulcers. About five million Americans have peptic ulcers. 
The problem begins, in most cases, with a spiral-shaped germ that seems to live for one purpose, digging holes in our stomachs. This bacterium, known as Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori for short), is very common: It's found in about half of all people under 60 years old in the United States. H. Pylori never causes problems in most people, but in an unlucky minority, the bug burrows through the stomach's protective mucous coating. The bacteria and stomach acid irritate the sensitive lining beneath, causing ulcers to form. 

In some cases, H. Pylori isn't the villain, however. People who use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin for pain relief over long periods can develop ulcers. 

Heredity also plays an important role in contributing to ulcers. People who have a family history of ulcers seem to have a greater likelihood of acquiring the condition, as do people with type O blood. In addition, liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and emphysema are among the conditions that may increase vulnerability to ulcers. Stomach and pancreatic cancers also can cause these sores to form. 

Users can produce mild symptoms resembling heartburn or severe pain radiating throughout the upper portion of the body. The most common discomfort of ulcers is a burning sensation in the abdomen above the navel that may feel like hunger pangs. Pain comes about 30 to 120 minutes after eating or in the middle of the night when the stomach is empty. At this time, the acidic stomach juices are more apt to irritate the unprotected nerve endings in the exposed ulcer. Usually, pain subsides after eating or drinking something or taking an antacid to neutralize stomach acid.
Some people experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Blood in the feces (discoloring them black), blood in the vomit, extreme weakness, fainting, and excessive thirst are all signs of internal bleeding and may appear in more advanced cases. 

Although ulcers are not usually life-threatening, they can cause serious damage if left untreated. Ulcers may erode nearby blood vessels and cause internal seepage of blood or hemorrhage (massive internal bleeding). A perforated ulcer may penetrate an adjoining organ, causing infection. 

Physicians diagnose peptic ulcers primarily on the basis of an X-ray examination after the patient has swallowed a special chalky substance called barium. The barium makes the digestive tract visible on X-ray film, allowing the doctor to view any abnormalities. 

A second diagnostic technique is called an upper GI endoscopy (also called gastroscopy). The doctor inserts an endoscope (a flexible, lighted, tubelike instrument) through the mouth and down the esophagus to directly view the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. An endoscopic examination and a biopsy (removal of a tissue sample for analysis) are necessary to confirm that an apparent ulcer is not actually a cancerous growth. Helicobacter pylori can be diagnosed with endoscopic biopsy or through a blood or breath test.

Most ulcers caused by H. Pylori can be cured with a combination of antibiotics and acid-blocking drugs or bismuth subsalicylate (better known as Pepto Bismol). Unfortunately, even though this information has been widely disseminated in medical journals, some doctors still send ulcer patients home with little more than orders to take it easy, knock off the booze, and eat a bland diet. If you have an ulcer-like symptoms, ask your doctor to perform tests that can determine whether you have the H. Pylori bug, so that if prescription medications are appropriate for your condition, you get them. 

Treatment of ulcers involves relieving the irritation, so that healing is able to progress naturally. Antacids counteract stomach acid and relieve symptoms, but they can also cause complications. For example, sodium bicarbonate, a primary antacid ingredient, contains large amounts of sodium, which can aggravate kidney disease or high blood pressure.
For treatment of more problematic ulcers, a physician may prescribe other preparations to promote healing. Sucralfate coats the stomach, protecting it against gastric acid. Cimetidine, ranitidine, and other H2 blockers inhibit gastric acid production. Antibiotics and antacids are often prescribed to treat ulcers caused by infection with H. Pylori. 

Although recent studies have shown that a bland diet is not necessary for user management, such a diet is sometimes recommended until the acute symptoms disappear. Thereafter, many doctors suggest avoiding only those foods known to cause stomach distress. 
 Most ulcers heal within two to six weeks after treatment begins. To prevent recurrence, patients should continue to avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and any foods or substances that appear to cause irritation of the digestive tract lining. 

When drug therapy and diet cannot cure an ulcer, surgical repair may be necessary. Surgery is appropriate for ulcers that recur or are life-threatening, such as perforated ulcers. Sometimes, surgeons remove a portion of the stomach and parts of the vagus nerve (which controls digestive secretions) to reduce stomach acid production. Usually, ulcers do not reappear after surgery. 

Recently, endoscopic cautery (burning of tissue through an endoscope), direct injection of medications, and lasers have been quite successful in stopping bleeding, reducing the size of lesions, and correcting strictures (narrowing of the ducts due to scar formation). These procedures have spared many individuals from surgery. 

Once they leave the doctor's office, ulcer patients can help their condition by watching their diet. Check out the next section for home remedies to take care of your digestive tract. 

For more information on ulcer-causing stress and its harmful effects, visit the following:
To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main Home Remedies page.
Among the many digestive problems that herbal remedies can relieve, herbs can also go a long way toward healing gastric ulcers. Find out how in Herbal Remedies for Ulcers.

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