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Showing posts with label blood pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blood pressure. Show all posts

How Much Harmful Smoking & Tobacco For Us

Health Effects of Tobacco
How important is smoking to the health of Canadians?
Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable illness, disability and premature death in Canada.
Saskatchewan has one of the highest cigarette smoking prevalence rates in Canada. Consistent with national trends, smoking prevalence is highest among 20-24 year olds. Prevalence of smoking among 15-19 year olds are higher in Saskatchewan than the national average. 
How lethal is smoking to smokers?
Unless smokers quit, up to half of all smokers will die from their smoking, most of them before their 70th birthday and only after years of suffering a reduced quality of life.
Why does smoking kill? 

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Many are known to be harmful substances, including tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.
More than 50 of these chemicals cause cancer. 

What keeps smokers smoking (and chewers chewing)?
Many smokers want to quit, but find it very difficult. Most former smokers made at least one unsuccessful quit attempt before finally succeeding and many had to try repeatedly
Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that makes smoking a powerful addiction. Experts rank nicotine ahead of alcohol, cocaine and heroin with regard to the severity of dependence resulting from its use. 

Some users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff) also find it very hard to quit.
Who is at risk from tobacco use?
While the health risks are highest among heavy smokers and long-term smokers, no user of tobacco escapes risk, including users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff). 

Young people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco are at immediate risk of a range of health problems, including nicotine addiction, increased cough, phlegm, and wheezing, reduced lung function and a worsening of problems from asthma.
Those who start to smoke at an early age are more likely to develop severe levels of nicotine addiction than those who start later, and they are at higher risk of health consequences in adult life. 

As well, non-smokers, both children and adults, can be harmed by second hand tobacco smoke generated by other people's smoking.
There is strong evidence that smoking is related to many diseases and conditions. Many organs and body systems are adversely affected by tobacco smoke. Fortunately, most of this starts to reverse after a smoker quits smoking.  

All smokers are at extra risk for:
Coronary heart disease (e.g., heart attacks) 
Peripheral vascular disease (circulatory problems)
Aortic aneurysm
High cholesterol (LDL)
Lung cancer
Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box
Cancer of the pancreas
Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladder
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
Chronic bronchitis
Influenza (the "flu")
The common cold
Peptic ulcers
Chronic bowel disease (Crohn's disease)
Tooth decay (cavities)
Gum disease
Sleep problems (falling asleep inappropriately and/or frequent waking)
Thyroid disease (Grave's Disease) 

Smoking is known to have an effect on babies before they are born. 

Smoking has a direct effect on the growth of the fetus. The more the mother smokes during pregnancy, the lower the weight of the newborn infant. Smoking mothers give birth to infants who can weigh about 150 grams less than a term than non-smokers. Such babies, called "low birth weight" babies, are more likely to suffer adverse outcomes, including stillbirth, the need for special treatment in neonatal intensive care units and death in infancy. 

During pregnancy, smokers have a greater risk of miscarriages. During the birth they are more likely to have complications. The chances of a baby's dying at birth or shortly thereafter are increased if the mother has smoked during pregnancy.
Nursing mothers can pass along harmful chemicals from cigarettes to their babies in breast milk. 

Effects on Teeth and Gums
Tobacco use is an important factor in oral health, apart from its role in causing oral cancer. Smoking has also been linked to periodontal disease in younger people. 

Other Effects
Several recent reports provide strong evidence of an association between smoking and osteoporosis (decreased bone density), which, in turn, predisposes a person to bone fractures. Smoking is independently associated with decreased bone density of the lumbar spine and hip, in both younger and older persons. 

Smoking has been linked to sleep disturbance. Smoking is associated with difficulty in falling asleep and with symptoms suggestive of sleep fragmentation in both men and women.
Evidence of a link between cataracts and smoking continues to grow. An association may also exist between smoking and a type of thyroid disease (Graves' disease). 

Smoking may be a detriment to physical fitness, even among relatively fit, young individuals. Smoking reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and increases the heart rate and basal metabolic rate, thus counteracting the benefits of physical activity, including cardiovascular fitness. 
Smoking decreases blood flow in the small vessels of the skin, perhaps damaging skin components, and leading to skin wrinkling and an appearance of premature aging in both men and women. 

Side effects of chewing tobacco are stained teeth, bad breath, sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal and other dental problems. Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste. The habit can also affect a person's ability to taste and smell. After prolonged use there is a risk of developing oral cancer, which may become apparent through a sore that does not heal, a white patch, prolonged sore throat, difficulty chewing, or a feeling there is a lump in the throat. A person should stop chewing tobacco to reduce the side effects and health risks associated with it. Chewing or smokeless tobacco contains nicotine a very addictive substance.

The nicotine gets into the bloodstream through absorption in the mouth and is slower acting than getting nicotine from smoking a cigarette. The most serious health risk associated with the smokeless habit is cancer. 

The habit of snuff or chewing tobacco can be considered by many as a very unclean habit. The substance is held in the mouth and then spit out. Most chewers have a spit can that they carry around and spit into periodically. Some people may choose to engage in this habit because they believe it is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes. However, this is not necessarily true. The substance is still absorbed into the bloodstream and the side effects of chewing tobacco can be detrimental to health and can even lead to developing a serious illness such as cancer. 

For those who want to quit, there is hope found in the Word of God. "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).
Other serious health problems associated with the smokeless habit include an increased heart rate and blood pressure. People who are engaged in this habit should stop chewing tobacco before they have a heart attack or suffer from a stroke.

 Heart attack and stroke can happen because the arteries constrict; there is an increased risk of blood clots; both of these effects are caused by the nicotine. Oral or mouth cancer are not the only types of cancer associated with a smokeless habit; some of the cancer-causing chemicals can get into other vital organs such as the stomach, esophagus, bowels, and bladder. 

High doses of nicotine can cause respiratory and digestive distress. Quitting may be very difficult because of the nicotine addiction and may take some time, but there is help out there for anyone who is serious about quitting. There are some good websites on the Internet that provide some valuable information on quitting.

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