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Health Benefits of Amla

Amla or Gooseberry is a vibrant green colour fruit recognized by its succulent, sour and bitter taste. It is often consumed raw or used as an ingredient in various pickles, juices and sweets. Let us have a look at the nutritional and health benefits of amla.

Nutritional Benefits of Amla

Amla For Health
Amla is a low calorie fruit. It provides only 60 calories for 100 grams of its intake. Amla contains mostly water which constitutes 80% of it. It is a rich source of carbohydrates and dietary fibre. It is one of the major providers of Vitamin-C and contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous and iron. Amla is also a rich source of antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Amla for Hair

Amla helps in maintaining proper health of hair. It makes them thick and soft. Amla is a source of Vitamin-C whose deficiency can lead to hair loss and hair breakage. Antioxidants prevent hair from premature aging and graying. Amla oil contains essential fatty acids that help in promoting hair growth. Head massage using amla oil increases blood circulation in the scalp thereby improving hair growth. It even helps in strengthening hair follicles and acts as a conditioner. Dandruff and dry itchy scalp can be avoided by applying it.

Amla promotes Digestion
Amla is a fibre rich fruit. It helps in healthy bowel movement and makes gastrointestinal tracts clean. Its bitter and sour taste triggers various taste receptors and makes the digestive enzymes active. These juices help in proper breaking of the food and make digestion efficient. It is known to neutralize acidity in the stomach and has a cooling effect.

Amla Benefits for Diabetes

Blood sugar level can be maintained by the consumption of amla. Low sugar and high fibre fruit are ideal for any diabetic patient. Antioxidants in it help in reducing glycosylated end product, serum level of creatinine and hiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels which are oxidative. These are significantly reduced by amla consumption. Amla helps in regulating glucose in the blood and decreases albumin level in patients.

Amla improves Skin Health

Amla Juice
Vitamin-C and antioxidants in amla makes it beneficial for skin health. It helps in reviving the skin texture and makes it smooth and glamorous. Vitamin-C helps in proper digestion thereby flushes out toxins from the body. This results in reducing skin blemishes and pigmentation and provides a rejuvenating and healthy skin. Acne and pimples can be avoided by its consumption. Antioxidants help in restricting the free radical damage to the skin and reduce the onset of aging and wrinkles. Amla is anti-viral and thus helps from harmful pathogenic diseases. Amla juice mixed with body oil and can be applied on the body to prevent diseases like eczema and psoriasis. Natural antioxidants present in it helps in healing these diseases.

Health Benefits of Amla – Reduces Cholesterol

Amla contains potent antioxidants like Vitamin-C, amino acids and pectin. Pectin helps in decreasing serum cholesterol in the blood and reduces LDL cholesterol concentration. Amla also helps in increasing HDL cholesterol which is beneficial to the body. Triglyceride and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are significantly reduced by its consumption. Arteries and blood vessels are also protected from fat and plaque accumulation.

Amla Prevents Cancer

Amla is rich in antioxidants which help in restricting the growth of carcinogenic cells. It helps in keeping harmful free radicals at bay. Antioxidants in amla can even counterattack the side effects of anti-cancer drugs. Stomach, skin and liver cancer can be successfully prevented by its intake.

Health Benefits of Amla for Weight Loss

All the health conscious and obese people must add this fruit in their diet. Amla juice has been found to lower the fat content in the body. It helps in increasing the metabolism of food which leads to reduction of food accumulation in the body. Fat accumulation can generate toxins in the body. These toxins slow the digestion process and hence hamper the health of a person. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin-C which can flush down these toxins. It is most effective when consumed empty stomach in the morning.

Amla for Brain

Amla is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in keeping away the free radical damages. Vitamin-c present in it helps in the production of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that enhances mood and brain activity.

Amla lowers Blood Pressure

Polyphenols present in amla help in lowering the high blood pressure. It is most effective when consumed empty stomach in the morning.

Amla for Healthy Eyes


Emile is rich in antioxidants, which help in protecting the retina from oxidative damages. Cataract and nearsightedness can be prevented by its consumption. It helps in relaxing the intraocular muscles. Age related macular degeneration can be avoided by its consumption.

Amla is Anti-inflammatory – Prevents Osteoporosis and Arthritis

Healthy & fresh Amla
Amla has anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce pain and swelling and is helpful against diseases like arthritis. Eye swellings can be reduced by its consumption as it inhibits the damage caused by free radicals. Presence of anti-oxidants helps in making it an anti-inflammatory agent. Blood clots are also decreased, thereby helping in an efficient blood flow.
Vitamin-C helps in synthesizing the bones as it aids in the absorption of calcium. This makes amla helpful against osteoporosis.

Health Benefits Of Amla

  • Amla is a source of Vitamin-C which makes it a mighty medicine against cough and cold. Its intake can provide immunity to the body and helps in reducing flu and throat infection.
  • Amla can be helpful in preventing mouth ulcers. Rinsing with amla juice can reduce the occurrence of it.
  • Amla is a stress reliever and can help in inducing sound sleep.
  • Amla helps in improving memory and improves cognitive functions. It also aids in improving central nervous system of the body.
  • It aids in proper functioning of liver and urinary system.
  • Amla juice can be consumed to strengthen teeth and prevent bad odour.
  • It is a natural detoxifier and can aid in cleansing the liver and kidney.
  • It can be consumed by people having thyroid problems.
  • Amla juice can be consumed by men to prevent impotency and erectile dysfunction.

Others Benefits of Amal

1.) It’s an excellent source of Vitamin C:
Amla is a highly potent form of Vitamin C, and contains much more Vitamin C than is found in oranges.
2.) It enhances immunity.
3.) It’s high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants prevent the body against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful and can damage cells, potentially leading to cancer and other possible diseases.
4.) It reduces inflammation.
5.) It is good for digestion, and helps the body to absorb and assimilate nutrients from the foods we eat.
Amla also reduces acidity. It’s a lot more slow and gentle than other herbs that aid digestion. For example, ginger is an herb/root used for digestion. It is a lot stronger and warmer than Amla. But don’t get me wrong, ginger is great for anyone who can handle it. Personally, as an individual who’s a bit more sensitive than most people, I tend to not have it very often. I prefer the gentleness and cooler quality of Amla.
6.) It strengthens the liver and helps us to flush out toxins.
7.) It’s great for the urinary system.
It helps flush out toxins through the urinary system without over-stimulating it.
8.) Great for the skin.
Whenever you see someone with a lot of skin blemishes or acne, often times it’s due to them having a liver overrun by toxins.        Since Amla helps to detoxify the liver and aids digestion (as well as being a good source of Vitamin C and other minerals), one of the results of taking it regularly is that it’s good for one’s complexion.
9.) Gives us healthier, more lustrous hair.
Since Amla is great for digestion, it makes it easier for our bodies to absorb the calcium in the foods we eat, therefore resulting in healthier hair (not to mention healthier bones, teeth, and nails). It helps us to preserve our natural, youthful hair color, and minimizes hair loss.
10.) Relieves menstrual cramping.
If you plan to take Amla specifically to get rid of menstrual cramps, you’ll need to start taking it at least a few weeks before menstruation in order for it to be in your system long enough to have an effect.

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Health Benefits of Lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruit that is widely used for numerous reasons. Its juice, slices, peel and zest are all used for treating several skin and health problems. Rich in citric acid, the tangy and sour lemon can be very good for the health and skin. You might have heard a lot of people suggesting to you to drink lemon water first thing in the morning. Well, it is one of the best health tips to have a healthy body and a glowing skin. There are many benefits of drinking lemon water. BENEFITS OF HAVING HONEY WITH WARM WATER From aiding weight loss to detoxifying the body, lemon juice can be used as a natural remedy for a healthy you! There are many ways to consume lemon as well.
Healthy Lemon

You can either mix it with other fruits or juice to make it taste all the more delicious. There are many benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning. It treats nausea, clears the bowels, detoxes the body, purifies the liver, treats respiratory problems and most importantly, aids weight loss. Many dieters drink warm lemon water every morning to burn fat deposits in the body. However, the tangy water has other health benefits as well.

The new “Benefits Of Lemons” report on the our website delivers to people, many health and beauty benefits of lemons. Firstly, the article reveals that lemons are packed with many nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and potassium. Moreover, lemons are low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol and sodium. In fact, the high vitamin C content in lemons can offer numerous health and beauty benefits. It canstrengthen the immune system and protect people from the flu, colds, and ear infections. Besides, lemons also include flavonoids which have anti-cancer properties. Readers can use lemons in a variety of ways to help enhance their vitamin C intake. After that, the author indicates that the lemon peel includes the potent phytonutrient tangeretin that can be useful in preventing brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease. The lemon is also a wonderful stimulant to the human liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons. Thus, people can consume a large glass of lemon water in the morning to detoxify their liver naturally. Secondly, in this report, the writer recommends readers to drink lemon juice regularly because it helps maintain the health of their eyes and helps fight against eye problems. However, readers should avoid adding sugar to the lemon juice as it contains an elevated percentage of carbohydrates and sugars.

Lastly, this report takes readers through a process of discovering tips to eliminate acne naturally. Lemons contain citric acid, which could be effective in treating acne. In addition, the vitamin C found in lemon is vital for the healthy glowing skin. Drinking lemon juice with water can kill several types of bacteria known to cause acne. Additionally, the author believes that lemon balm might be able to remove exhaustion, fatigue, dizziness, nervousness, anxiety, and tension. Thus, inhaling lemon oil can help in enhancing alertness and concentration. In other words, the article covers the many benefits of lemons, such as kidney stones prevention, weight loss, canker sore treatment, dental care, hair care, and constipation prevention. After the “Benefits Of Lemons” report was launched, a lot of people can improve their understanding about circuit fruits and take advantage of lemons effect.

Mie Pham from the site expresses that: “The “Benefits Of Lemons” report is really helpful and contains quick tips to boost energy, innovative techniques to whiten teeth, and easy methods to relieve stress. Moreover, the tips introduced in this article are simple-to-implement for most readers.”

We all have heard that drinking a glass of warm water with honey and lemon early in the morning is good for health. Some also believe that it might help in weight loss as well. If you are one of those people who are skeptical of most things, here are 10 reasons why drinking warm water with lemon and honey is great for your health.
Lemon Juice
Helps improve digestion: Lemon, honey and warm water combined to help give your digestion an instant boost. Apart from the fact that the components of lemon stimulate your liver to produce more bile, lemon also helps your digestive system by adding to the already present acid and assists it in flushing out unwanted toxins. Honey acts as an antibacterial and beats any infections that might be present in your body. It also helps in the production of intestinal mucus, which aids in the flushing out of toxins from the body. Read about yogaasanas that can help improve digestion.

Cleanses the stomach, improving the functioning of the colon:  In Ayurveda it is believed that we tend to have a buildup of toxins or ‘ama’ in our stomach. This product of undigested food, intestinal cells and dead bacteria often coats the inner lining of our stomach and is thought to lead to diseases. By drinking Lemon and honey in warm water the walls of the intestine – especially the colon – get stimulated; leading to the expulsion of this ama. If understanding Ayurveda is not your thing, allopathy describes it as a cleansing of the colon, which allows it to function much better. Thereby, helping your body absorb nutrients, get rid of toxins and stay hydrated. The build of toxins often lead the feeling of bloating. Here are  10 reasons for bloating you might not have known about.

Beat constipation : This mixture is a great and almost instant remedy for constipation. It helps stimulate the bowels helping you pass motion. It also aids in the  production of intestinal  mucus, hydrates the colon and infuses water into dry stool. All this put together helps you pass motion easily. Read more about the other natural methods to relieve constipation.

Helps in cleansing the lymphatic system: According to various disciplines of medicine a dehydrated lymphatic system is one of the leading causes of illness. Lack of water and essential fluids in the lymphatic system can make you feel sluggish and fatigued, lead to constipation, disturbed sleep, high or low blood pressure, stress and an all-round lack in mental function. The benefit of drinking this mixture early in the morning is that it helps hydrate your entire lymphatic system that not only beats all the above symptoms but also improves your immunity. You can find out about other foods that can boost your immunity

Gives you an instant boost of energy and improves your mood: Feeling low and tired? This mixture is for you. The honey present the concoction acts as an instant energy booster – minus the calories. Water helps clear your mind by providing fresh blood to your brain, and lemon activates negatively charged enzymes in your stomach – a great way to combat positively charged enzymes that react with the food you eat adversely, leading to it being digested poorly. Moreover the scent of lemon is known to be a natural relaxant and can help uplift your mood. Read about yoga asanas that can help you beat stress.

Cleans your urinary tract and acts as a diuretic: Honey is a very potent antibacterial agent, that has the capability to beat a number of common infections. When mixed with lemon and water – two agents that act as excellent diuretics (agents that flush out water from your body) – this concoction is the best way to cleanse your urinary tract. For women who suffer from frequent UTI (urinary tract infection) this juice is a boon and is known to keep recurrent infections at bay. 

Improves oral health: The acidic nature of lemon combined with the innate properties of honey and water can help beat bad breath almost instantly. The lemon cleanses the mouth, activating your salivary glands and killing offensive bacteria. When added to honey and water, it helps wash down bacteria and degraded food that is usually present in your mouth and throat early in the morning. Another reason for bad breath is the formation of a white film on your tongue (mainly consisting of decaying food and bacteria), this juice effectively gets rid of that film making your breath fresh – naturally. Read about other natural ways to beat bad breath naturally.

Increases your chances of weight loss:  Apart from its properties of cleansing the stomach, lemon present in the mixture contains a type of fiber called pectin, that helps make you feel full and keeps cravings at bay. The warm water, honey and lemon  also create a more alkaline atmosphere in your stomach helping  you lose weight faster. Want to lose weight? Here are all your questions about weight loss answered.

Can give you clear skin: The benefits of lemon on your skin are aplenty, but apart from that, its cleansing action also helps in purifying your blood, also aiding in the production of new blood cells that acts as potent cleaning agents. The water and honey lend a unique restorative, antibacterial and collagen boosting properties to your skin as well. So, if having naturally glowing skin is your aim, have this drink is for you. Read about the amazing benefits lemon has on your skin.
Lemon Water

Tips to make and drink this mixture:
You must drink this concoction first thing in the morning. You may choose to brush before you drink it, but it is recommended that you drink it without brushing or gargling. To make the mixture
Take a tall glass of warm (not hot) water, add the juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey to it. Mix well and drink it quickly. Remember not to drink coffee or tea for at least one hour after drinking this mixture.

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  • Top natural remedies for your liver
  • Home remedies for acidity that actually work
  • Home remedies for mouth ulcers
  • Home remedies to soothe burns
  • Natural remedies to beat stress
  • Natural remedies for itchy skin

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Way of Reduce Stress & Headache

We all worry. We are anxious about money, our relationships, work, our health, our family’s health, and pretty much anything else we care about that we can’t absolutely control. We think about overwhelming tasks when we wake up and fall asleep thinking about what calamity tomorrow could bring. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s more exhausting — the things we worry about or the worry itself. You may sometimes find yourself asking, Am I going to be this anxious for the rest of my life?

While you can’t control external events, you can control how you react to them. Here are six ways to reduce your stress and anxiety, even if you can’t banish them completely:
Stress Problem
I know what anxiety feels like physically, when it’s happening. That’s easy. It starts in my chest and then works its way up my throat. Sometimes it feels like my tongue swells and blocks my breathing. I have to sip water just to make sure I’m swallowing.

Identifying the cause of my anxiety, however, is much more difficult.
One technique for gaining control over your anxiety is to notice when you experience it. Is it when you’re around certain people? At a certain time of day or at night? What are the thought patterns? Are you reading the news, watching television, scrolling through social media sites? Asking these kinds of questions can help identify triggers that set off your anxiety.

Clinical psychologist Elvira Aletta refers to this method of questioning as an ”anxiety thermometer”: ”As you feel the anxiety blip up or down take note of what is going on and what you’re thinking. This way you may be able to notice patterns, like always spiking up to 8 when it’s time for a staff meeting, or going down to 2 when American Idol is on. Over time this exercise will help you recognize your triggers.” 

Once you’ve identified some of your triggers, you can decide if any of them could be eliminated from your life or made to occur less frequently. I start feeling pretty down on myself if I’m on Facebook or Twitter for too long, not only because I get caught up in other people’s lives but also because I’m wasting time that I could be putting toward something more in line with my values and desires. I start to think about every bad choice I make, and then I get anxious that I’ll never live the life I want. Boom. Anxiety. Fear. What I have to do is limit my time on social media sites. To do this, I use an app called SelfControl. Another trigger for me are certain groups of people, so I try to limit the amount of time I spend with them. 

Tip: Keep a journal with you. Each time you start to feel anxious, write down where you are and what you’re doing. What were you thinking or talking about? Once you’ve identified what kinds of situations and encounters set you off, then you can make it a point to limit the time you put yourself in those positions.

One of the reasons anxiety and stress freak us out is that they cause physiological changes that can feel frightening in the moment. When I’m anxious, my heartbeat quickens and I have shortness of breath. Then I get scared. Then I get stressed, and stress is bad, right, and unhealthy, right? I mean this whole article is about how to reduce anxiety, which is compounded by stress, which means it’s not something we want to experience.

Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal speaks to this thought spiral in one of her TED talks. She references studies that prove changing our minds can change our body’s response to stress. What if instead of seeing our heart beating faster as something to fear, we saw it as our bodies’ way of getting more oxygen to the brain to help ourselves overcome what’s troubling us? What if we saw our reactions as helpful, a way to face the challenge?

The next time you start to feel the symptoms of stress and anxiety, try to flip the switch. Pause for a moment, maybe close your eyes, and see your body’s response as a way to help you through the feelings of anxiety. Maybe your heart pounding makes you pay attention to your breath, which reminds you that you’re alive, well, and safe.

How many times do you get up in the morning, check your phone, hop in the shower, grab a piece of fruit and rush out the door, whizzing past people because you’re anxious about getting to where you need to be on time? Or maybe you wake up relaxed, but then the to-dos start multiplying, and you’re suddenly paralyzed. It’s easy to get so caught up in the shoulds and have toes that you feel you can’t even think of taking a break — but a break is exactly what you need.
The feeling that you can’t turn off or let go of your thoughts is common, but you can help ease your anxiety through meditation. If you sit even for five minutes a day and breathe, you can reduce your anxiety.

Meditation is about witnessing your thoughts as they come in and out: seeing and acknowledging them but not attaching to them. The moment you notice yourself dwelling on a topic, just label the experience “thinking,” let the thought go, and come back to your breath. For meditation instruction, I am a huge fan of Susan Piver’s Open Heart Project. She teaches you the basics of meditation, and each guided meditation comes with a teaching.

If you’re in a place where you can’t meditate, but you’re feeling overwhelmed or notice self doubt creeping in, try breathing into the spot where you feel the anxiety most in your body, then exhaling it out of your body. I do this until the constriction is gone. Then I try to mentally replace the negative emotion with an image that makes me smile, like birds on a tree branch, or my nieces.

I live in a city, so whenever I visit my parent’s house in the suburbs, I feel anxious. I always think someone’s going to break into the house. Then a couple of years ago I learned about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or what most people who know about it call tapping. It’s a combination of Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. So when I went to my parents and felt the same fears rising, I sat up in my bed and I started tapping. After a couple minutes, I felt calm and was able to fall asleep.

The idea is to focus on the fear that’s plaguing you and while doing so tap five to seven times with your fingertips on the 12 meridian points on your body. By the last round of tapping, you’re anxiety is reduced, and you feel safe and secure.
I know it may sound a bit out there, but research indicates that EFT can reduce anxiety. A series of studies at Harvard Medical School showed that fear and stress, which are controlled by the amygdala, can be reduced by stimulating the meridian points, especially those used in acupuncture, acupressure, and tapping. Also, when the Stress Project, created by Dawson Church, Ph.D., taught tapping to PTSD victims, there was an average 63 percent decrease in symptoms after six rounds of tapping..

Worry Condition
When I tell people I have a lot of work to do, or if I keep saying over and over again that I’m swamped, that I can’t go out because I’ve got so much going on, all I’m doing is confirming these facts for myself. The more I tell myself I’m not going to get that job or there’s no way I’ll be able to succeed at an important project, the more I’m basically signing a contract with myself that I will fail. We may not think about it, but how we talk does affect our feeling state. If we say we’re busy all the time or overwhelmed, we attract business and the feeling of being overwhelmed in our lives.

Studies indicate that positive repetitive thought enables recovery from depression and upsetting traumatic events, which means it’s a great idea to start rewiring our words. A lot of what needs to happen first is to pay attention to what words you’re using to describe your day. When someone asks you how things are going, what do you say? If you notice you’re answering with anxiety-inducing statements, change them up.

Another great way to keep anxiety at bay is to repeat three or four affirmations to yourself a day. Whenever you start to feel the negative vibes emerge, pause, take a breath, and say your affirmation. Mine are, “I always have more than enough time to complete all that I need to with ease and grace.” “What I have to say is necessary. My words are valuable.” “You never have to convince anyone of anything ever.”

To come up with affirmations, on one side of the page write down what you fear or what you’re insecure about. Maybe it’s, “I feel stupid,” or, “I’ll never meet new friends.” Then translate these into positive statements like, “I am smart.” “I make new friends wherever I go.” If you need help, feel free to e-mail me at Affirmations are a wonderful way to shift away from the fear-based mantras we tell ourselves daily.

For me, anxiety shows up as a lot of unused energy. I can be sitting on my couch, then walking into the kitchen, and then head upstairs, all because I can’t sit still. The best thing for me at that point is to head to a class, go for a walk, or take a swim. But I’ve noticed that regularly moving my body helps reduce my anxiety to begin with.

That’s not surprising, given that studies dating back to the 1950s show that exercise reduces depression and anxiety disorders.
I’d recommend trying a class you’ve always been interested in instead of just hitting the gym. That way you get a boost in confidence from trying and succeeding at something new (I define succeeding as simply taking the class), and also the stress release from the activity itself.
Stress & Headache

Hopefully, some of the above techniques will help you as much as they’ve helped me. The more you start to incorporate these easy rituals into your days, the less control anxiety will have over you.

Stress is more than just frustration at work or exasperation from a packed schedule — in some instances, it’s a precursor to deadly debilitations.
Stress is a general term given to the body’s responses to stressors, which “induce activation of the sympathetic nervous system responsible for flight-or-fight response,” says Krishna Tummalapalli, cardiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

The sympathetic nervous system releases hormones like adrenaline, cortisol and serotonin, which lead to accelerated heart and lung action, inhibition of digestion and a number of other physiological responses.

The human body, while complex and adaptable, isn’t equipped to handle constant sympathetic nervous system activation, Tummalapalli says.

It’s not just moments of intense stress — like Tako Tsubo syndrome, which refers to the sudden onset of heart attack or heart-failure symptoms due to the sudden deterioration of heart function after a person hears unexpected tragic news — that are detrimental to heart health, but prolonged minor stressors, too.

Stress is a leading factor in chest pain, strokes, elevated blood pressure and heart attacks. If left unattended, warns Tummalapalli, it can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like smoking, poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle.

“Stress also impairs our ability to fight infection, impairs our cognitive abilities — like thinking clearly and remembering accurately — and increases inflammatory markers in the body,” says Catherine M. Stoney, program director for the Division of Prevention and Population Sciences at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Md.

And though, according to Stoney, eliminating stress isn’t always a realistic goal, learning to live and cope with it is the best possible outlook. It’s all about finding what works for you.

Here are some suggestions for ways to reduce stress in everyday life:
Exercise. It almost goes without saying in this day and age — exercise is a great way to both relax and stay in shape.

“This might be the single most important thing you can do to improve your health,” Tummalapalli says.
Meditation and yoga. Tummalapalli and Stoney both recommend these soothing activities as a way to center oneself and learn proper deep-breathing techniques, which are helpful in times of panic.

Find a hobby. “Tennis, dance, photography — whatever you like!” Tummalapalli says.
Take a time out. Similar to a hobby, this involves taking some time out of every day to spend quality time with yourself.

“Read, watch a movie, take a relaxing bath or choose another enjoyable activity that provides a quiet time apart from your daily activities,” says Stoney, who also advises turning off electronic devices to truly “commit to the notion that time for yourself is as important as time for work.”

Socialize and volunteer. “Humans are social animals,” says Tummalapalli, who notes the importance of being selective about who you choose to interact with: “Socialize with people you genuinely enjoy spending time with.”
Remove Stress
55 Ways To Reduce Stress
1. Mental prayer (meditation) every day.
2. Pray with Scripture daily.
3. Frequent The Sacraments – Mass as often as possible + monthly Confession.
4. Quickly forgive others when they mess up.
5. Forgive yourself when you mess up.
6. Go on a retreat.
7. Take several days off of work / your normal schedule.
8. Socialize with friends more often. Schedule if necessary.
9. Go on dates with your spouse.
10. Pray with your family.
11. Eat dinner with your family.
12. Practice isn't worrying about things you can’t control.
13. Don’t work to please other people. Please God.
14. Remember that you are wonderful and lovable, even if imperfect.
15. Smile more.
16. Do nice things for other people, just because.
17. Play with some kids.
18. Spend less time around negative people.
19. Have difficult conversations, in a loving way. Don’t avoid them.
20. Work on your character flaws and poor communication skills.
21. Ask for help more often.
22. Practice being content with what you currently have.
23. Exercise regularly.
24. Sleep more.
25. Laugh.
26. Talk to a spiritual director regularly.
27. Learn from your mistakes.
28. Be OK with not controlling others.
29. Reduce your to-do list by distinguishing ‘must’ and ‘should’.
30. Spend time with a pet.
31. Read more good books.
32. Listen to more good music.
33. Turn off the TV and do #32 and #32.
34. Spend time doing something you like to do.
35. Volunteer to help others.
36. Eat healthier.
37. Stop an unhealthy habit (overeating, smoking, drinking too much, etc.)
38. Temper the tone in your voice and the words you use when frustrated.
39. Go dancing, bowling, or to play miniature golf.
40. Realize what upsets you and create a plan on how to deal with it in the future.
41. Don’t get upset in traffic or with other drivers. Slow down. Chill.
42. Say “no” more often if you are over-scheduled.
43. Don’t procrastinate.
44. Remember, you are not the center of the universe.
45. Don’t lash out at others.
46. Spend time improving yourself. This isn’t greedy, it helps everyone around.
47. Question worrisome thoughts. Are they rational / probably / helpful?
48. Focus on the present. Not the past or future.
49. Keep a journal or diary as an outlet of your stress.
50. Say more positive things. I love you, you are wonderful, thanks, etc.
51. Stop wasting time on Facebook, video games, etc.
52. Pray for an increase of faith and hope. Expect God will answer your prayer.
53. Serve someone in need and do so with a smile.
54. Pick up a new (or restart an old) hobby.
55. Follow through with your commitments.

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Benefits Of Banana fruits for Healthy Life

Rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron, etc., banana are a strong source of energy. Here are some other health benefits of this versatile fruit.

Banana juice
Controls blood pressure: According to research, the potassium in this fruit keeps the blood pressure levels in check and it can also help decrease its levels.
Improves brain power: A good source of vitamin B, banana helps perk up nerve function and boosts learning abilities.
Decreases the risk of stroke: According to studies, regular consumption of a banana helps reduce the occurrence of stroke. Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, consumption of bananas is also said to reduce the risk of cancer.
Maintains bones: Probiotic bacteria present in bananas, are known to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, it helps in building better bones.
Enhances digestion: The probiotics in banana help produce enzymes that enable absorption of nutrients, thus enhancing the digestive ability and preventing unfriendly bacteria from harming the body. Astringent in nature, raw bananas are effective in treatment for diarrhea.

Healthy Banana

Asthma: A study conducted 
By the Imperial College of London found that children who ate just one banana per day had a 34% less chance of developing asthma.

Cancer: Consuming bananas, oranges and orange juice in the first two years of life may reduce the risk of developing childhood leukemia. As a good source of vitamin C, bananas can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. High fiber intakes of fruits and vegetables like bananas are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer.

Heart Health: The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, according to Mark Houston, MD, MS, an associate clinical professor of medicine at Vanderbilt Medical School and director of the Hypertension Institute at St Thomas Hospital in Tennessee.3
In one study, those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium (about 1000 mg per day). 3
High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. 3

Diabetes: Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber.

Relieves constipation: Pectin found in bananas helps to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function.
One medium banana (about 126 grams) is considered to be one serving. One serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fat, cholesterol and sodium. 2

Bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals:
  1. Banana
    Vitamin B6- .5 mg
  2. Manganese- .3 mg
  3. Vitamin C - 9 mg
  4. Potassium - 450 mg
  5. Dietary Fiber – 3g
  6. Protein - 1 g
  7. Magnesium - 34 mg
  8. Folate - 25.0 mcg
  9. Riboflavin- .1 mg
  10. Niacin- .8 mg
  11. Vitamin A - 81 IU
  12. Iron- .3 mg

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Amazing Benefits of Neem

Indian Lilac which is commonly known as neem has been an integral part of Ayurveda for the benefits associated with it. It is an herb that is commonly available, throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide!  Neem has anti- bacterial; anti- parasitic, anti- fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that not only benefit your health but can help you get rid of common beauty problems that you face in your daily life. So read more about the uses of neem tree to know how you can use this miraculous herb in your daily beauty regime.

Medicinal properties of neem have been known to Indians since time immemorial. The earliest Sanskrit medical writings refer to the benefits of neem’s fruits, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and bark. Each of these has been used in the Indian Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine.

In the Ayurvedic literature name is described in the following manner: ‘Neem bark is cool, bitter, astringent, acrid and refrigerant. It is useful in tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation. It heals wounds and vitiated conditions of kapha, vomiting, skin diseases, excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem leaves are reported to be beneficial for eye disorders and insect poisons. It treats Vatik disorder. It is anti-leprotic. Its fruits are bitter, purgative, anti-hemorrhoids and anthelmintic’.

Does the untimely burst of pimples leave you feeling embarrassed? Are you tired of squeezing out the blackheads or irritated with dry skin? Such problems keep troubling girls, time and again. But instead of going for natural ingredients to find a solution, many prefer to go for cosmetic resolutions. Neem is a natural herb that has many beauty benefits that often go unnoticed. So all you girls, especially brides-to-be, read on as we tell you about the beauty benefits of neem, which are certainly going to surprise you.

Treating Skin Infections
Boil a few neem leaves till the time they turn soft. You will notice the water turning green because of the discoloration of the leaves. Strain this water and add some of it in your bath water. Regularly taking bath with this water will help in keeping skin infections under check. Neem leaves have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and hence they are quite effective for skin infections. It also soothes irritation and reduces inflammation without drying the skin.

Addressing Acne Problems
The most favorite home remedy that has been passed on from one generation to another is about using neem to treat acne. To effectively put this to use, first boil a few neem leaves in water (as explained before) and dab a cotton ball in salt water and then apply it evenly on your face. You can also use a neem-cucumber face pack or neem-yoghurt face pack to keep a check on excessive oil secretion by sebaceous glands.

Used as Skin Toner
When used regularly, neem works as an excellent agent to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Use the strained neem water to fight the signs of age spots or aging. It works effectively on skin pigmentation as well. Strained neem water will help in lightening the acne scars and lesions caused due to skin conditions. Alternatively, you can prepare a neem-rose face pack for a smoother complexion, free from grease and oil. After it dries off, make sure you wash it off with rose water.

Remedy for Dry Skin
A neem pack is quite effective in taking care of an excessively dry skin. Take some neem powder and add a few drops of grape seed oil in it. Apply this evenly on your face and leave it on for a couple of minutes before you rinse it off with cold water.

Skin Remedy
Cure for Skin Pores
Neem provides an effective remedy in tackling problems such as blackheads, whiteheads and large pores. To combat these problems, you will need to prepare a mixture of neem leaves and orange peels. Pound the two to make a pulp and add a few drops of honey, soy milk and yoghurt to it. It is recommended that you apply this face pack at least thrice a week to notice results. If you only have blackheads, apply some neem oil on the affected area.
Takes care of Hair Troubles
The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of neem come in handy while treating scalp conditions.

Neem oil helps in hair growth. Massage neem oil on your hair roots without breaking your hair strands. This will take care of your hair thinning problems as well.

For dandruff control, apply a mixture of neem powder and water on your scalp and leave it for an hour before you shampoo your hair.
Neem Tree has been described in Ayurveda’s prime text, the Charaka Samhita, as sarva roga nivarini (that which keeps all diseases at bay) or arishtha (reliever of disease). Its extracts have been used in the Ayurveda tradition for thousands of years for maintaining health and overall well-being. The roots, bark, gum, leaves, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil are all used in therapeutic preparations for both internal and topical use.

1.    Neem, a tree native to India, is a vital ingredient in Ayurveda. Regarded as a ‘one tree pharmacy’, the Neem tree has several medicinal uses and forms an integral part of home remedies for the hair and skin.

2.    Neem leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating dandruff. 

3.    It also relieves dryness and itching, strengthens hair and promotes hair growth.

4.    Traditionally, neem paste has been used to condition the hair and scalp.

5.    It also soothes irritation, prevents dryness and flaking.

6.    Neem is mentioned in most Ayurvedic formulations for the treatment of skin disorders because of its detoxifying properties.

7.    The growth of acne-causing bacteria, such as propionibacterium acnes (P. Acnes) and staphylococcus epidermis is also inhibited by neem.

8.    The role of neem in acne is further supported by studies which have shown that it exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing P. Acnes-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-8.

9.    Neem oil and neem leaves are excellent skin care ingredients. The oil relieves dry skin and soothes itchiness, redness and irritation.

10.    It also improves general skin health and immunity, combating bacterial infections such as acne, boils and ulcers.

11.    Its antimicrobial properties help heal wounds without causing any infections or septic conditions.

12.    For acne, neem tackles bacteria from the root and prevents the recurrence of pimples and blemishes.

13.    It is especially beneficial for skin disorders like eczema and minor skin infections. Neem leaves also eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

14.    It is also a gastric protective element and effective in healing ulcers.

15.    It contains high level of antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental damage and from aging.

16.    Neem oil contains fatty acid and vitamin E that gets absorbed easily into the skin, it helps rejuvenate skin cells and restore elasticity.

17.    It helps maintain a glowing skin and balance skin tone.

18.    The high fatty-acid content in neem oil helps prevent and treat scars from acne.

19.    Neem leaves are also excellent Exfoliants; it tightens pores and removes impurities when used as a mask.

20.    It is an excellent healer of skin fungal infections.

Other benefits
Skin toner
This can also be used as a skin toner — just dip a cotton-ball into the liquid and wipe your face with it every night. This will clear acne, scars, pigmentation and blackheads. This potion can be used as a hair rinse to treat dandruff and excessive hair fall.

Face Pack
Face pack
Cut about 10 neem leaves and boil them with small segments of orange peel in a little water. Pound them to a pulp. Add a little honey, yoghurt and soy milk, to form a smooth paste. Apply this to your face (can be done thrice a week). This will clear acne and breakouts, dry up white heads, pull out blackheads and even reduce the appearance of pores. Honey and neem are excellent moisturizers.

Hair conditioner
A paste made of neem leaves boiled in water and honey, and applied to the hair, leaves it well-conditioned, without frizz and dandruff free.

Extracts of neem leaves and seeds produce pain-relieving, antiinflammatory and fever-reducing compounds that can aid in the healing of cuts, burns, earaches, sprains and headaches.

Root cure
The bark and roots of the neem tree have medicinal properties; in powdered form, they can be used to control lice and dandruff. Neem has anti-bacterial properties that help fight against skin infections such as acne, psoriasis, scabies and eczema among others.

Pour oil on it
Neem oil, leaves and neem extracts are used to manufacture health and beauty care products. Some products that use neem include soaps, bath powders, shampoos, lotions and creams, toothpastes and neem leaf capsules. They can be used to increase immunity, as a skin purifier or even as insect repellents, and pet care products.

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Why India’s Persons Are Unhealthy

Unhealthy People

Seemingly healthy teenagers are secretly battling severe vitamin and protein deficiencies. The enemy is the food they eat, say experts
When in the last one year, 15-year-old Unnati Gada began putting on weight despite no change in food intake, and complained of constant fatigue, her mother realised, in addition to the best tutorial teachers, she'd also have to invest in a nutritionist. "She's at school from 7 am to noon. Then it's tuitions, time at the gym and finally, self-study. Unnati changed schools recently, and gave up sports to make time for board preparation. I wasn't sure if she was equipped to handle the pressure," says Hemal.

Tardeo-based nutritionist Suman Agarwal, who the Gadas consulted, says it's common for teens, often from privileged homes, to consult her because they are not "growing as rapidly as their peers".

Skipping breakfast when rushing to school and snacking on chips and Maggi, both reservoirs of dead calories, were identified as Unnati's nutritional goof-ups. Instead, Agarwal suggested she include nuts and fruit in her snack, and include proteinrich paneer and curd in her meals. "Her protein and vitamin B12 levels were low, leading to the tiredness and inability to retain what she was studying," says Agarwal.

Unnati is hardly an exception. According to the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau of India, over 50 per cent of healthy looking children suffer from deficiencies of vitamin A, C, B2, B6 and folate, and over 2/3rd are oblivious to the iron deficiency they live with.

The body grows faster during puberty than at any other time in life (except when you are a baby), and if your nutritional needs aren't met to facilitate this growth, physical and mental well being is bound to be stunted. Which is why, for pre-teen girls who are yet to get their period, Agarwal throws in a prolactin test (tests levels of hormone prolactin which can affect regularity of menses and thyroid condition).

Agarwal says stunted height and muscle mass, pale or patchy skin, constipation, disturbed sleep and slow grasping while learning can all be symptoms of an imbalanced diet.

Ryan Fernando, founder of Qua Nutrition, conducts genetic evaluation tests for teenagers before customising their diet. This helps him determine how well programmed they are to receive nutrition. "Of the 23,000 genes in our body, around 20 deal with receptors of vitamins. This means even if a child's diet includes vitamins, if his ability to absorb and use them is low, it's no good." In such cases, Fernando recommends upping vitamin intake to the point where the deficit can be met.

Lack of information is a key concern. Most parents who approach Fernando come because they want their kids to be Olympic athletes. "Only 15 per cent consult me out of general concern," he says.

Agarwal uses facts to convince parents who go easy on fussy eaters. Children aged nine to 11 need 800 mg of calcium (that's 600 ml of milk or milk products a day), while those aged 11-15 need 1,400 mg (800 ml).

For those alienated by calorie counts and fat percentages, she offers recipes to "unjunk" snacks. Pav bhaji with less potato and more moong and peas, oil instead of butter, tastes and feels good too. Swap an aloo tikki for one made with mushroom and spinach, or make a patty out of tofu. How about one with carrots, zucchini and wheat flour, instead?

Caffeine in the form of tea, coffee and cola retards growth, says Agarwal. It is best not to introduce your child to cola until s/he is seven, explains Fernando. Its high sugar levels entice their pleasure senses, making them crave it.

Leading by example works better than blackmail. When your child hits eight, it's best to sit with them and decide a diet. With a child who refused to eat her greens and pointed out that her dad did the same, Fernando designed a dinner-time game where father and daughter could compete to up their quota of vegetables consumed.
For the parents
New-age parents informed by online health reports introduce healthy options but sporadically in the form of whole wheat cornflakes, muesli and probiotics. But this quick-fix option is inadequate in the face of sugar-loaded colas and fat-packed snacks. It's best to feed your kids traditional wholesome breakfast dishes like upma or poha.

 Pregnant women and children need nutrition

NASHIK: Proper nutrition to pregnant women and children from birth to two years of age will ensure that malnourishment is under check, medical officer of the Zilla Parishad (ZP) Yogesh Sale said. He was addressing a workshop conducted by the women and child welfare department of the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) at Kalidas Kala Mandir on Monday.

The workshop was organised on the backdrop of the Rajmata Jijau Health and Nutrition programme for healthy child. Besides the NMC officials, mayor Yatin Wagh, chairman of the standing committee Ramesh Dhongade and chairperson of the women and child welfare department Savita Dalwani, all the anganwadi (creche) sevikas, doctors, corporators and women were present for the workshop.

Healty Food
Sale said, "Health problems and malnourishment arise because pregnant women and infants do not get proper nutrition." He guided the audience about the importance of nutrition in women right from adolescence and teenage years to pregnancy. He emphasized upon the need for women to be well-informed in order to keep the child and the family healthy.

Mayor Yatin Wagh said, "The future generation should benefit from all the schemes of the Rajmata Jijau Health and Nutrition programme, which should reach all levels of the society. Women should work for the health of the next generation and should enroll themselves in large numbers in the programme to create awareness about health."

"We got a very good response for the programme conducted for the healthy child scheme," said deputy municipal commissioner Dattatreya Gotise, who is also in-charge of the administration of the women and child welfare department.


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Daily Exercise is Good & Beneficial For The Brain

Regular exercise can benefit the body in many ways, helping people maintain healthier weights and lowering risks for developing potentially deadly diseases. Though many people are quick to associate exercise with its physical benefits, those hours spent on the treadmill also can boost brain power.
Daily Exercise

According to Dr. Barry Gordon, professor of neurology and cognitive science at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and coauthor of “Intelligent Memory: Improve the Memory That Makes You Smarter,” exercise has a direct impact on the brain. That’s because exercise works directly on brain tissue, improving the connections between nerve cells, creating new synapses, growing new neurons and blood vessels, and improving cell energy efficiency. So while many people may begin an exercise regimen with a goal of trimming their waistlines or toning their bodies, they might be happy to know that those physical benefits are accompanied by several cognitive benefits as well.

Morning Walk
As the American Psychological Association acknowledges, the connection between exercise and mental health is hard to ignore, and the APA notes that the following are just a few of the mental benefits men and women might reap from regular exercise.

Improved mood
Many people feel great after exercising, especially if that exercise comes at the end of a particularly stressful day. However, those extra laps on the track or those hours spent on the treadmill don’t just pay short-term dividends. In a controlled trial overseen by Duke University researcher and clinical psychologist James Blumenthal, sedentary adults with major depressive disorder were assigned into one of four groups: supervised exercise, home-based exercise, antidepressant therapy, or a placebo pill.

Flexible Exercise
Those in the exercise and antidepressant groups had higher rates of remission than those in the placebo group, and Blumenthal concluded that exercise was generally comparable to antidepressants for men and women with major depressive disorder. In addition, in following up with patients a year later, Blumenthal found that those who continued to exercise had lower depression scores than those participants who were less active.

Blumenthal’s study was not the only one to conclude that exercise can have a positive impact on mood. In a review of 11 studies that examined the effects of exercise on mental health, Boston University professor of psychology Michael Otto and his colleagues found that exercise could be a powerful tool when treating clinical depression, and even recommended clinicians include exercise as part of their treatment plans for depressed patients.

Long Running Exercise
Antidote to anxiety
Some researchers, Otto included, have begun to examine the effects of exercise on treating and possibly preventing anxiety. The body’s nervous system responds quickly when people feel frightened or threatened, often causing the body’s heart rate to increase and sweating and dizziness to occur. Those people who are especially sensitive to anxiety respond to these feelings with fear, and that makes them more likely to develop panic disorders. But Otto and fellow researcher Jasper Smits of the Anxiety Research and Treatment Program at Southern Methodist University studied the effects that regular workouts might have on people prone to anxiety. Since exercise produces many of the same physical reactions, such as sweating and an elevated heart rate, the body produces when responding to fear or threats, Otto and Smits wanted to determine if exercise might help people prone to anxiety become less likely to panic when experiencing fear or threats.

Happy Exercise
In studying 60 participants with heightened sensitivity to anxiety, Otto and Smits found that the subjects who participated in a two-week exercise program exhibited marked improvements in anxiety sensitivity compared to those participants who did not take part in the exercise program. Otto and Smith concluded that this improvement was a result of the exercise group participants learning to associate the symptoms common to both fear and exercise, such as sweating and an elevated heart rate, with something positive (exercise) instead of something negative (anxiety).

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